Google just announced the inclusion of real time search results that include Twitter, Facebook, MySpace and a number of blogs on their results pages. This news isn’t shocking, as Google was a step behind Bing to tap the real time web and pretty much obligated to take a stab at it.
This is some big news, given that Google is by far the most utilized search engine. One affected eco-system will be the realm of Search Engine Optimization. While the old method of SEO primarily targets the ‘static web,’ a new brand of Real Time SEO needs to evolve to address the ‘real time web’.
Real Time SEO
SEO is essentially maximizing the potential of a website to be indexed by Google based on a number of factors the algorithm takes into account when ranking sites, including the number of incoming links, title tags, keywords, updated content, etc.
The Mountain View crew claims that real time search will utilize factors such as “author quality,” “probability of relevance” and “query hotness,” in order to determine which results pop. These new factors, among others, will be the guiding principles of real time SEO, a process that is sure to be exacted from this point forward.
Sure, the social web – including twitter, facebook, myspace, and blog articles – have been an integral piece of SEO work for some time now. Utilizing social media pathways to provide extended exposure to a website has been important. However, these efforts have always been somewhat ephemeral in comparison to the bulk of a search engine optimization campaign. With the advent of Google’s real time web, this is about to change.
Real time search results could bring as much, if not more, traffic to a website than standard indexing on any given day. This means making a website relevant and fresh through updates will become even more important. There are sure to be other tactics and strategies that emerge as real time search evolves. I’ll be sure to keep an eye out for these results and post the findings. In the meantime, feel free to let me know your thoughts on the subject!